Saturday 8 November 2014

Taming of the shrew review.

 The taming of the shrew review
 taming of the shrew retold . Available: m. Last accessed 2014

The taming shrew retold, is a modern version of the shakespearean play. After watching the movie of the Shakespearean romance, of a shrewish women who is forced into marriage and tried to be tamed there were certain elements throughout the film which reminded me of the Elizabethans .

The main Catherine's personality and clothing she is seen wearing particularly reflects the Elizabethan era.

The Shakespearean film, begins with the main Character Catherine storming around the office. Her hair is up in a bun with a slightly off centred partin which is a subtle symbol to highlight that Catherine is slightly not right and also slightly relates to the Elizabethan hairstyle with a modern twist, by styling her hair in a bun and focusing mainly on the partin her hairstyle.

Catherine is also a conservative politician, who is dedicated to her career and considers her job as a politician as far more important than her dedication to love. Her attitude towards love and her career slightly reminds me off Queen Elizabeth and how she is married to England during her reign.

It is noticeable that Catherine tends to wear clothing which mainly tends to focus on the style of collar incorporated into the design, for instance throughout the film many of her dresses and shirts which she is seen wearing include open collars, which slightly reflects on the style of Elizabethan gowns.

In another scene of the film where Harry is explaining to the Earl of Charnbury, who is looking for marriage on why it is a bad idea to consider marriage with Catherine, he tells him that she is a 38 year old virgin. I feel this is a deliberate symbol to highlight the Elizabethan era due to Queen Elizabeth being portrayed as the virgin queen.

In the film it seems as though Catherines mother and sister Bianca are trying to force her into marriage . And the Earl of Charnbury is looking to marry, due to a family death. Whilst watching the film of taming of the shrew it is noticeable that the main topic of the film is marriage which slightly reminds me of the Elizabethan era, where women were forced into marriage.

During the film the Earl of Charnbury becomes besotted by Catherine when he first meets her, the relationship between the two reminds me slightly of the relationship between queen Elizabeth and Walter when watching the 1997 Elizabeth film starring Cate Blanchett.

It is noticeable during the first few scenes in which the Earl of Charnbury is first seen, he is wearing an oversized brown fur jacket which was a very popular fabric in which the Elizabethans would like to wear. The style of jacket overall reminded me of medieval clothing in which the tudors could be considered to wear.

The outfit Catherine is seen wearing in the scene in the movie where Catherine is talking to her work colleague about the proposal is a black suit dress with white polka dots, this outfit in particular really reminds me of the 1585 Queen Elizabethan Ermine portrait.

Te wedding scene in the movie i feel this is the most significant part of the movie which relates to the Elizabethan era in terms of clothing. The characters in the film are seen to be wearing lots of different shades of purple .
The style of Catherines wedding dress is overall very Elizabethan looking but the open collar incorporated into the design tends to make the gown overall more Elizabethan .
During the wedding scene in the taming of the shrew retold movie, harry is seen wearing atop hat which relates to the Elizabethan era.
When the Earl of Charnbury arrives at his wedding reception, Catherine is disgusted by what he is seen to be wearing.However the outfit the Earl of Charnbury is wearing can be recognised as slightly Elizabethan, anaylising his look it is noticeable he is wearing tights which Elizabethan men used to wear, along with a long green velvet cloak, the style of the cloak tends to reflect the clothing which the Elizabethans wore particularly the men. The shirt which the Earl of Charnbury is seen to be wearing is also very Elizabethan look, not only due to the tudor style of shirt but also due to the colours incorporated into it.

The scene where the Earl of Charnbury , Catherine and Harry are at the hotel after the wedding ceremony can be considered as slightly Elizabethan. The room is lit with lightening which are shaped like candles which makes the room seem slightly more old fashioned. The food Available at the table of the Hotel room is cheese red wine and olives which reminds me of Elizabethan food.
The conversation between Harry and Catherine slightly reminds me of queen Elizabeth when he asks her if her career is more important than love and she agrees, due to Elizabeth portray the image of being married to England however Catherine changes her mind and decides that love is more important than her career.

The film ends by the Earl of Charnbury taming Catherine on their honeymoon . When they arrive back in London which i feel is a rather deliberate location for the film  due to the Queen Elizabeth by located in London, Catherine is besotted with the Earl of Charnbury and has become tamed, although when it comes to her career in politcs she still remains professional, which reminds me of Elizabeth and her being married to England.

Another character which i feel relects the Elizabethan era is Catherines mother in terms of what she is seen wearing throughout the film. At the beginning of the film she is seen wearing a luxourious pink velvet dress suit which signifys the Elizabethan era due to .Throughout the film I feel the jewellery she is recognised wearing is also very deliberate she is seen wearing statement jewells to match her outfits or pearls throughout the film which were also worn during the Elizabethan era.

At the wedding Catherines mother is seen to be wearing her hair as an updo with a flower incorporated into her hair to complete the hairstyle . Catherines mothers hairstyle at the wedding slightly ressembles the Elizabethan era due to the Elizbetahn women wearing their hair in a bun with usually materials such as pearls and feathers or headgear incorporated intot thier hairstyles.

Bianca who is Catherines sister is another character who reflects the Elizabethan era. The scene where Bianca and her finance are at the airport it is noticeable that they are both overexaggerated with pure white fur on them. Which was a popular fabric with the Elizabethans.

The scene where Bianca is at her home, it is noticeable there are many portraits situated aroudn the house of herself which reflects ueen Elizabeth in a way, due to Elizabeth having many portraits around her home in which she controlled what she looked like.

During the wedding it is noticeable Bianca in particular is wearing shades of purple in her makeup. Purple was a common colour in which the Elizabethans like to wear.
Anonymous. (21/11/2005). taming of the shrew . Available: Last accessed 12/11/14.

The image from the taming of the shrew retold highlights catherines personality and the clothing in which the Earl of Charbury is wearing.
Shakespeare Retold
Anonymous. (2005). shakespeare retold . Available: Last accessed 12/11/14.

The image from the wedding scene of taming of the shrew. The image particularly highlights Elizabethan elements in terms of the shades of purple in which Catherine's mother is wearing and also the style of the wedding dress in which Catherine is wearing.

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