Sunday 7 December 2014

Three brush challenge


Three brush challenge 

using the only the rounded blending brush the foundation brush and the angled brush i was able to create a pop art makeup design.

Firstly I used the foundation brush to apply the white Illamasqua matte skin base to the face and the ears, i was aware that I had to apply a base colour to the neck but due to my client suffering with exzema i did not apply any products to this area.

Using the angled brush and the black supracolour i then started to draw lines around the features in order to make my client appear more cartoon.

Finally to using the blue and red supracolour and the rounded blending brush i created the dots on my clients face and applied colour to the tear underneath the eye and the lips 

overall i was really happy with my design i feel i have made a significant improvement with my application of makeup since I first started the course in September . The only thing i feel i could have improved on was making the dots on the face more even . I  also found i made a good choice of the threw brushes i used and found it generally quite simple to create a makeup look using the brushes of my decision .

Lichtenstein inspired pop art makeup (no date) pinterest. Portfolio Inspiration. Available at: (Accessed: 7 December 2014).
This was the inspiration for my my three brush challenge.

Friday 5 December 2014


Technical file evaluation

The technical file which we created over the semester, includes in depth information on the basic techniques we learnt such as contouring the face and applying foundation to the face. By including information on the techniques which we learnt each week this conveys to my tutor the clear understanding I have on how application of makeup, as well as being a good guideline to refer back to .

In the technical file I also wrote a short evaluation on how I felt about the overall outcome of my work, this conveys to my tutor what I feel I am confident with and what improvements I need to make. The photographs in which I take each lesson of my work also allows my teacher to compare my work to my evaluation, it also allows me to refer back to my work which I have previously created and compare it to the level of work I create.

In my technical file I also included face charts in which I created in order to portray my designs,  by listing the products used on the side of the chart it acted as a reminder so when creating the face chart on the face I was apply to remember what products to use .

The client consultation sheets  which I have included in my technical file also acts as a reminder on what products to use on each client in order to complement the skin.

By including information about the health and safety this shows that I have a clear understanding  of the safety needed in the studio , this helps me  to remain professional.

Final evaluation

Overall I am very happy with the amount of progress I have made since I first started the hair and makeup course at the beginning of September, I feel  that  I  have made a significant improvement on my application of makeup techniques particularly with my line work , which I had difficulties with during the dawn of the dead makeup week.  After practicing my line work several times I now feel more confident with applying designs to the face .I found the skills I learnt during this semester very useful. During the new Elizabethans topic I particularly enjoyed researching  the Elizabethans and found their interpretation on how to apply makeup to the face during their era  very fascinating. Even though I enjoyed researching about the Elizabethans I found we had a significant amount of coursework to do each week which I found overwhelming , however due to spending several hours an evening  doing the coursework  I felt I managed the workload well.

For my final design I wanted to incorporate Textures and materials from the Elizabethans clothing as well as the elements of a simple Elizabethan makeup into my final contemporary Elizabethan design, As a result I felt I demonstrated a clear understanding of the new Elizabethans .Overall I really enjoyed the new Elizabethans project and I am looking forward to the gothic horror topic which we will be learning next semester

Timed assessment in the role of the designer

Timed assessment in the role of the designer.

For my final Elizabaethan contemporary makeup look   i wanted to incorporated texture and materials from the Elizabethans clothing into my design .

applying the base colour

Apply the matte illmasqua skin base colour which is quite a pale colour to the face neck and ears, then blend out using a buffer brush once the product looks even on the face seal the makeup using the white illamasqua loose powder roll this onto the face using a sponge.

applying colour to the cheeks

For my final design  i wanted ot include a subtle colour to the cheeks, using the illamasqua pink from the blusher pallet apply the colour using the kryolan blusher brush to the circles of the cheeks, then using the kryolan glamour glow pallet apply the summer tan colour to blend out the pink and highlight the cheekbones.

applying the lace texture
next using the lace material to act as a stencil hold the fabric in place starting from the top centre of the forehead and suing the the roudned blending brush and the black pepper colour from the kryolan pallet stipple the colour into the face to create a prominent texture , carry this process out from the top centre of the forehead to the jawline on the right hand side of the face. The using the same technqiue apply several flowers from the lace fabric to the face using the black pepper colour and the red youth blush from the kryolan pallets this will help to create more design on the face. Finally apply self ahesive pearls to the centre peice of the flowers to make the design look more complete .

applying colour to the eyes

first apply a brown from the illamasqua pallet to the eyelid then using the black from the illamasqua pallet in order to create a smokey eye effetc highlight the socket area of the eyes, blend the colours well together using the roudned blending brush, the apply a white from the neutral illamasqua pallet just underneath of the brown line , using the black gel illamasqua eyeliner, highlight the lash line.Finally to complete the eyes apply white from the supra colour pallet to the eyelaashes using a  dissposible mascara wand.

applying colour to the lips

firstly outline the lips using a black lip pencil then using a dark red from the kryolan lip pallet apply the colour evenly to the lips and blend the colour together with the black lips liner in order to create an ombre effect on the lips.

After my partner practicing my design several times in lessons i altered my design particularly the positioning of the lace until i was happy with the look. On my original design the lace was positioned across the forehead just above the eyes however i felt this did not work well with my design. Due to practicing my final design in lessons i felt this helped my partner to become more confident with my final design  and focus on improving on elements which she struggled with .

For the timed assessment i created a face chart of my final design with the products which i used listed on the left hand side, i also wrote a thorough tutorial of how to create my design with step by step images on how to create the look .

Peer evaluation

I felt during the timed assessment my partner managed her time sufficiently and executed the design I had created well. The factors I felt she carried out successfully was applying the base colour and creating the lace texture effect on the face this was due to good communication between me and my partner as well as practicing my final design several times meaning that we were able to focus on practicing elements of my design which my partner needed to improve on and also altering parts of my design until I was satisfied with the final outcome.

The colour applied to my eyes I felt was blended well together creating the Smokey eye requested I wanted and the colour application to the lips were neat, although the liner and lip  colour could have been blended together better in order to create a prominent ombre effect.

I felt my partner made a good attempt at applying colour to my eyelashes, meaning that all the eyelashes were covered evenly some of the colour spread around the eye but my partner managed to correct this by blending the colour in underneath my eye and applying more of the  colour on the eyelid.

My partner struggled with applying the adhesive pearls to the flowers on my  face this was  due to the amount of powder applied to my face meaning the pearls kept falling off.

Overall I was very happy with the outcome of my design however , I felt my partner could improve applying more base colour to the neck.

Sunday 30 November 2014

comparison between stylistics in Elizabeth the Golden age and the new Elizabethans

comparing my final designs to Elizabeth the golden age
Anonymous. (2007). Elizabeth the golden age . Available: n. Last accessed 30/11/14.

After watching the Cate Blanchett Elizabeth the golden age film 2007, during tuesday lesson this gave me a chance to rethink my final designs and also to take into consideration the elements incorporated into the variety of hair and makeup designs throughout the film which reflect my contemporary designs.

The beginning scene in the film gave me inspiration for my final designs  particularly in terms of the hair designs. The hairstyles during the scene are taken back off the face with pin tail curls around the hairline, a rounded padding is also secured in the hair in order to achieve volume. I terms of applying padding to the hair in order to achieve volume this reflects on my final hair design however the instead of rounded padding secured hair for my final design i wanted to create a heart shape, however i wasnt entirely certain on how to style the remaining section of hair at the back of the head , during the beginning scene i noticed that Queen Elizabeths hair was styled into a plaited bun  with feathers and jewels included in the hair, this gave me inspiration for my final hair design, which i have now decided to style as a plaited bun with pearls secured into the bun.
Lina Ritchie. (23/08/2007). Regal Cate is crowning for glory once more Elizabeth I. Available: Last accessed 30/11/14.

During another scene throughout the film, i noticed another character Bess who works for Queen Elizabeth, her hair is stlyed as a classic elizabethan updo with zig zag curls created out of the remianing sections of hair, this reflected on my final Elizabethan hair design, however after practicing my final design in the lesson i wasnt satisfied with the outcome of the zig zag curls and have decided to rethink my ideas.

Anonymous. (unknown). non stated. Available: Last accessed 30/11/14.

During the scene in the 2007 Elizabeth the golden age film when queen Elizabeth is scene sitting on her throne, it is noticeable that the section of hair used to overlay the padding had been zig zag curled in order to achieve volume, this tends to reflect on my final Elizabethan hair design, due to the section of hair to overlay the padding in my design is going to be crimped in order to achieve volume and also the wave plaits in my design are also going to be sitauted so they are secured overtop of the padding.
Stephanie Zacharek. (12/10/2007). Elizabeth "golden age". Available: Last accessed 30/11/14.

During another scene throughout the film Bess who works for Queen Elizabeth, her hair is styled into a bun with a plait situated around it and accompanied with jewells the padding is also situated into a heart shaped, the elements from this hairstyle ressembles certain elements from final design.
Anonymous. (unknown). period makeups . Available: Last accessed 30/11/14.

The 2007 Elizabeth the golden age also tends to reflect certain elements from my final makeup design. For my final makeup design i wanted to include the use of fabrics and materials  the Elizabeths wore incorporated into the clothing as well as the style of makeup they applied to their faces.

Throughout the film Queen Elizabeths makeup reflects on the simple Elizabethan makeup design in which were attempted during our makeup fundamentals lesson, the base colour used on her skin is a pale white , a soft brown is applied around her eyes, a subtle colour is applied to the cheekbones and a soft pink is applied to her lips.The makeup Elizabeth is seen wearing throughout the film relfects on my final design in terms of the pale skin base colour and the subtle pink applied to the cheeks.
Anonymous. (unknown). C16th makeups. Available: Last accessed 30/11/14.
 Throughout the film it is noticeable the gowns the Elizabethans are seen wearing have open collars which are designed from a lace material, particularly the scene where Queen Elizabeth is sat on her throne majority of the court ladies as well as herself are seen wearing gowns with lace collars. Another scene in which lace is incorporated into the Elizabethans clothing is when Elizabeth is seen wearing the blue gown, lace has been incorporated into the shoulder blades of the gown. The lace design recognised on majority of the gowns tends to reflect on my final design, i have decided to use lace as a stencil which will be powdered over using black eyeshadow in order to create a texture on the face.
Elizabeth: The Golden Age Movie Review
Roger Ebert. (11/10/2007). Elizabeth golden age. Available: Last accessed 30/11/14.

Fernando Blanco. (05/06/2013). Elizabeth the golden age five stars worthy historical review. Available: Last accessed 30/11/14.

During the 2007 Queen Elizabeth film it is noticebale the alot of the clothing has pearls and jewels incorporated into their clothing as well as their hairstyles this also tends to reflect on my final makeup design . In my final design i am going to situate pearls in the centre of the flowers created from the lace stencil in my design.

Saturday 29 November 2014

timed assessment - in the role of the makeup artist

makeup assessment as the artist

Before starting our makeup assessment we had five minutes preparation time , in that time I took into consideration health and safety, which involved washing hands tying long hair back and laying couchroll over top of the work station, due to lack of couchroll and for health and safety reasons I covered my work station with a clean towel.

I reverted back to my tutorial which my partner had written out for me and scanned through the list of equipment I needed for her design, once I had all the equipment I needed I began to lay it out neatly across my work station. I then took into consideration my mirror lights were on and my partners face chart and makeup tutorial was taped to the mirror.

I then took into consideration whether the chair my partner was sat in was at a suitable height in order for me to create her makeup design and also made sure before starting her makeup that she was wearing a cape in order to avoid any makeup from going onto her clothing.

After the five minutes preparation time was finished I then had an hour and ten minutes to create her design. Before starting my partners design I did ask if she was able to remove facial jewellery but was unable to do so. Firstly I began by cleansing my partners face, making sure all makeup was removed.

I then applied my Illamasqua primer to her face using my foundation brush in order to give the makeup a better base. I then applied my matte skin base foundation from illamasqua to the face starting from the centre of the face and blending the product out into the hairline onto the ears and the neck. Due to taking photographs from the side of my partners face I took into great consideration covering and blending the product into the neck thoroughly. I also took into consideration the application of the product around the eyes and the nose. Once the base was applied evenly to the face I then blended the product into the face by using my buffer brush in a circular motion. Once the product was buffed into the face I applied my illamasqua loose powder to the face to seal the makeup.

Next I began to apply colour to my partners eyes she requested a smokey eye for her Elizabethan look. Firstly to act as a base colour I applied a brown from my illamasqua neutral pallet to the eyelids and blended the colour into the eye using my rounded blending brush. Next to the socket area of the eyes I applied a black from the neutral illamasqua pallet and blended the colour into the eyes using the rounded blending brush, I carried on applying these two colours from the pallet to the eyes in order to create enough layers in order for the colours do have a good intensity. I then used a gold from the illamasqua pallet and blended the colour over the black eyeshadow. I then applied a cream from the neutral illamasqua pallet to the brow line and blended the colour into the brown using the rounded blending brush. Next I applied a soft brown and the gold from the same pallet underneath the eyes. Using the gel eyeliner I then applied colour over the lash line using my angled brush to bring the eyes out .

I then applied colour to the cheeks of my partners design she requested her blusher to be quite harsh on the circles of the cheeks in order for her deisng to look more Elizabethan therefore using youth red from my Kryolan blusher pallet I applied colour to the circles of the cheeks and blended the colour into a summer tan colour from the glamour glow pallet which was a light highlight which I used to bring out the cheekbones.

Next I began applying colour to the lips. My partner requested the colour of her lips to be a royal red colour so using a red lip liner I went round the outline of her lips this made it easier for me to apply the colour to the lips. I then used my red MAC lipstick which I mixed with the mixing medium solution and applied the colour to the lips using the angled brush.

Finally to complete my design using the gel eyeliner I brushed the colour slightly through the eyebrows to make them more fuller and to give them more shape. Using a disposable wand and a  white from my supracolour pallet I wiggled the colour through my partners lashes in order to make her design look Elizabethan. I found applying the colour to the eyelashes generally quite difficult due to when applying the colour to the lashes it ending up on the eyelid and underneath the eyes causing me to have to retouch the eye makeup and apply more colour onto the eyelids.

Makeup evaluation

During and throughout the assessment as the makeup artist, I felt I managed my partners design reasonably well due to practicing in the studio in my spare time. The things I felt I carried out successfully in order to make the design work was the application of the skin base colour, I felt it looked even and was blended in well and also the colour application to the eyes, I was happy with how I blended the colours together in order to bring out the eyes.
Applying colour to the lips was something I struggled with in previous lessons on my partners design  however during the assessment I felt I applied the product considerably well to the lips as it looked even.
The outcome of the photographs which were taken I was also satisfied with I felt the photographs highlighted the strengths of my makeup and also by using the white background for my images instead of black complimented the application of the makeup.
Even though I was satisfied overall with the outcome I felt I needed to manage my time better perhaps as towards the end of the assessment I began to run out of time causing me to begin to panic meaning the application of makeup started to become slightly messy, particularly when applying colour to the eyelashes due to the colour spreading onto the eyelids meaning I had to spend more time reapplying colour to the eyes, I feel this is something to improve on.

practicing my final elizabethan design

Practicing my final Elizabethan design
For my final Elizabethan makeup design i decided i wanted to incorporate Elizabethan materials which they would use on their clothing and in thier hair , therefore for my final design i have chosen to use lace as a stencil and pearls.
I had several attempts at creating a face chart for my final design, on other face charts in which i had created i experimented with different colours such as reds and purple and took into conisderation the positioning of the lace stencil on the face.
After experimenting with my final Elizabethan look in lessons i found a design in which i was happy with and created a face chart which ressembled the design created in lesson.



for my final Elizabethan design i am going to have use the illamasqua matte foundation for the base colour and use lace as a stencil and go over the pattern using my rounded blending brush and black eyeshadow from the Kryolan pallet.The lace pattern will be situated the right side of my face.

Also by stenciling  over some flowers on the lace pattern using my red blusher from my blusher pallet and black eyeshadow from my kryolan pallet this helped to added of a stronger pattern and design .
In order to make my design look more aged and Elizabethan my partner experimented with the use of gold over top of the lace pattern however, i  feel by add gold to the design it disguises the texture of the lace , however in order to complete the lace pattern i have decided to purchase some  small adhesive pearls for the centre of the flowers on my design.
The colour i want to be applied to my eyes for my final design is a brown from the Illamasqua neutral pallet and a black from the same pallet to be blended into the socket area of the eyes. In order to bring out the eyes i have also decided to applied a white from the illamasqua neutral pallet to the brown line. I also want my eyelashes to be white for my final design to give a more contemporary Elizabethan look, therefore i am going to use white supracolour and a disspossible mascara wand.
Due to having so much colour on one half of my face i design i  decided i only wanted to use a subtle colour on the cheeks, i felt the pink from the illamasqua blush pallet applied to the circles of the cheeks and blended out into the cheek bones with a light colour from the kryolan glamour glow pallet would work well.
Applied to my lips i decided to use a dark red from the kryolan lip pallet and outline them with a black eyeshadow from my kryolan pallet and blended the colours together to create and ombre effect.

Sunday 23 November 2014

creating my partners final makeup design

Creating my partners final Elizabethan makeup design

During wednesdays makeup lesson i started to practice my partners final makeup design in order to become more confident with the design for the following  weeks assessment. In order to create my partners final makeup design, i referred to an image in which she had chosen and a rough face charts she had created.

My partners inspiration for her final makeup look came from this image, i referred to this image in order to create something similar for my partners final elizabethan makeup design.

Firstly i began by applying the illamasqua matte white skin base foundation to my partners face neck and ears using a foundation brush and buffed the product into the face in order for it to look more even.

For my parnters final makeup design she explained she wanted a smokey eye look applied to the eye with gold incorporated. In order to create this look i applied a black from my illamasqua matte eyeshadow pallet and then started to applied gold a gold from my illamasqua metalic eyeshadow pallet around the eyesocket using an angled brush which i found was easier to work with. We also experimented with the gold from the supracolour pallet but found the product sometimes looked to hevay on the eyes when applied. I then blended the colours into the eye using my rounded belnding brush and applied a white underneath the brow to bring out the black.

underneath the eye in order to avoid the makeup look from becoming gothic, we applied a softer brown colour blended in with gold underneath the eye using an angled brush. The softer colour underneath the eye worked well.

My partner decided  she wanted flase eyelashes  applied to the eyes and eyeliner applied to the lash line  in order to complete the look.

The colour my parnter wanted to applied a bright red to the cheeks for her final makeup look but wanted to colour to be blended up the cheekbones . I used a youth red colour from my kryolan blusher pallet to apply colour to the cheekbones.

Finally the colour my parnter wanted to apply to the lips was a royal red, in order to create this look i used the red from my MAC makeup collection which i felt worked well.

After speaking to Sue about the final outcome of my parnters makeup she explained the thing smy partner needed to consider was wheher the eyelashes worked and also whether the applciation of the red applied to the cheekbones worked.

After taking Sues advise on board My partner removed the false eyelashes and  I applied white from my supracolour pallet to the eyelashes, which we felt look much better and brought out the colour on the eyes.

After the lesson we stayed later in the studio in order to work on the application of colour on the cheekbones. In order to make the look overall more Elizabethan my partner decided shaping the red blusher into circles and then blending the colour out with a light colour from my glamour pallet  tin order to still highlight the cheekbones worked better.

Once my partner was happy with her final makeup design using my illamasqua matter skin base foundation and to retouch any areas which the makeup was starting to come away from such as around the nose and lips . Finally i used  the illamasqua loose powder which i rolled onto the face using a sponge in order to seal the makeup

After our makeup lesson on wednesday my partner created a final face chart in order to give my a reminder and clear idea on how she would like the final makeup to look.