Friday 5 December 2014


Technical file evaluation

The technical file which we created over the semester, includes in depth information on the basic techniques we learnt such as contouring the face and applying foundation to the face. By including information on the techniques which we learnt each week this conveys to my tutor the clear understanding I have on how application of makeup, as well as being a good guideline to refer back to .

In the technical file I also wrote a short evaluation on how I felt about the overall outcome of my work, this conveys to my tutor what I feel I am confident with and what improvements I need to make. The photographs in which I take each lesson of my work also allows my teacher to compare my work to my evaluation, it also allows me to refer back to my work which I have previously created and compare it to the level of work I create.

In my technical file I also included face charts in which I created in order to portray my designs,  by listing the products used on the side of the chart it acted as a reminder so when creating the face chart on the face I was apply to remember what products to use .

The client consultation sheets  which I have included in my technical file also acts as a reminder on what products to use on each client in order to complement the skin.

By including information about the health and safety this shows that I have a clear understanding  of the safety needed in the studio , this helps me  to remain professional.

Final evaluation

Overall I am very happy with the amount of progress I have made since I first started the hair and makeup course at the beginning of September, I feel  that  I  have made a significant improvement on my application of makeup techniques particularly with my line work , which I had difficulties with during the dawn of the dead makeup week.  After practicing my line work several times I now feel more confident with applying designs to the face .I found the skills I learnt during this semester very useful. During the new Elizabethans topic I particularly enjoyed researching  the Elizabethans and found their interpretation on how to apply makeup to the face during their era  very fascinating. Even though I enjoyed researching about the Elizabethans I found we had a significant amount of coursework to do each week which I found overwhelming , however due to spending several hours an evening  doing the coursework  I felt I managed the workload well.

For my final design I wanted to incorporate Textures and materials from the Elizabethans clothing as well as the elements of a simple Elizabethan makeup into my final contemporary Elizabethan design, As a result I felt I demonstrated a clear understanding of the new Elizabethans .Overall I really enjoyed the new Elizabethans project and I am looking forward to the gothic horror topic which we will be learning next semester

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