seven photographs that changed fashion
Rankin . seven photographs that changed fashion. Available: Last accessed 26/10/14.
Seven photographs that changed fashion is a documentary which Rankin a photographer of 20 years, recreates some of the most iconic photographs that have made an impact on the fashion industry.
Rankin. (unknown). Rankin. Available: Last accessed 26/10/14.
Cecil Beaton
Anonymous. (20/01/2012). what i never knew about Cecil Beaton.Available: Last accessed 26/10/14.
Cecil Beaton is a British photographer who has done photography work for my fair lady and has worked with vogue in the 1930s. The image Rankin choses to recreate is the 1934 image of the white Panama hat. Rankin uses model Sophie Ellis Bexter to recreate his image . The camera Rankin uses is a 10"8 camera which takes photographs upside, with a 10"8 camera the photgraphs are unable to be seen instantly in order to get a rough idea of what the final photograph will look like, Rankin mkept reverting back to digital imagery.
Anonymous author 1934 image photographed by cecil beaton(right) 2008 image photographed by (rankin). the beaton collection. Available: Last accessed 26/10/14.
Rankins recreation of the white panama hat 1934 by Cecil Beaton is a close comparsion to the original image, however the model in the 1934 image expresses the emotion sadness more than Rankins 2008 recreation.I really like in Rankins image the use of lighting used, it really brings the image to life. I also like in Rankins recreation how the makeup has been applied, the lips and the cheek bones are really prominant in the image.
Erwin Blumenfield
photographed by cecil beaton. (unknown). none stated. Available: Last accessed 26/10/14.
Erwin Blumenfield was a german born photographer who worked for Vogue and Bazaar magazine in the 1940s and 1950s. Blumenfield shot more cover photographs for Vogue than any other photographer . The image Rankin decided to create was Blumenfields Vogue magazine cover from 1950. Blumenfields version was orignially shot in black and white,however he then added the colour to his work during the printing stage and bleached out the image so only the eyes, the brow and the lips were prominant. Rankins version was manipulated by the 21st centruy digital image techniques.
ladybird46 blog photographer rankin 2008 (right) Erwen Blumenfield (left). (16/11/2010). post tagged rankin. Available: Last accessed 1/12/14.
It is noticable that Rankin in his final image has slightly changed the facial expression and has bleached out the face less so the features such as the eyelashes and the nose is highlighted more in comparison to Blumenfields image. I like how Rankin has bleached out the face in his image less in comparison to the original image as the features come to life more.
Richard Avedon
Richard Avedon 1923 was a New york born fashion and portrait photographer , his favourite model to work with was Dovima, he also worked with Fred Astair and legendary photographer, Lilllian Bassman who worked for Bazaar, she was also known for encouraging Avedons talents in photography. Paris was a main location where Avedon would shot his work.
Jo Craven. (11/05/2011). Richard Avedon. Available: Last accessed 26/10/14.
"A photographic portrait is a picture of someone who knows he's being photographed and what he does with this knowledge is as much a part of the photograph as what he's wearing or how he looks."
The quote highlights the Richard Avedon was a talented photographer who knew what to look for in a photograph.
Rankin chooses to recreate Richard Avedons most important image of fashion in Europe, which was Dovima with elephants 1955.
Anonymous. (14/11/2011). richard avdeon davima with elephants .Available: Last accessed 26/10/14.
Rankins image right is a very close recreation to Avedons original. Although Rankins image is in colour whereas Avedon's orignal is in black and whiteI really like the use of lighting used in Rankins image, the main focus is Erin O'connor who modelled for Rankin and the two elephants.
David Bailey
David Bailey 1938 is an English fashion photographer, who incorporates technical brillance and personaility into his work, which has made him so successful. Majority of David's work is seductive which made a huge transfrormation in the fashion industry.
Cecil Beaton . (unknown). David Bailey. Available: Last accessed 26/10/14.
what i found interesting about this image taken of David Bailey in 1965 was it was taken by another British photographer Cecil beaton who also had an impact on the fashion industry .
The image Rankin chose to recreate was the 1963 Jean Shrimpton image by david Bailey, out of all the images Rankin could have chose he mentions in the documentary theres just something about this image that catches my eye . He uses his model girlfriend to recreate the Jean Shrimpton image.
Anonymous. (14/11/2011).David bailey 1963 Jean Shrimpton .Available: Last accessed 26/10/14.
Rankins image of the 1963 jean Shrimpton image by David Bailey ressesmbles certain elements such as the clothing, pose, facial expression and also the image being in black and white. I really like the lighting used in Rankins image it makes the image look flawless and the model stand out prominantly against the black background.
Helmut Newton
Helmut Newton was a German- Austrailan born fashion photographer who was considered intimidating. Newton worked for Vogue and other publicans his work was mainly recognisable as black and white and provoctive .
Anonymous. (1964-2013). Timeline-Helmut Newton. Available: Last accessed 26/10/14.
The Rue Aubriot 1975 was the image Rankin had decided to recreate as it was shot right outside Helmuts home ,he defends Helmut in the documentary mentioning that his work was not provocative he just wanted to see what fashion could do.
michigangirl15 blogger left image Helmut Newton right image rankin. (unknown). Rankin:7 photographs that changed fashion. Available: Last accessed 26/10/14.
Rankin also recreated the nude version of Helmuts original image using model Mollie Gandi. Rankins recreation of Helmuts image ressembles certain elements such as the pose the clothing and location, however i prefer the orignal image due to Helmut giving a slightly more raw effect in his image .
Guy Bourdin
Guy Bourdin 1928-1991 was a french fashion photographer who had worked for magazines such as Vogue and also advertising commercials , his work was known to be slightly close cutting to the edge of pornography .
Anonymous. (unknown). Guy Bourdin. Available: Last accessed 26/10/14
Rankin chose to recreate the 1970 untitled vogue image with Dapne Guiness modelling.
Michael S-D blogger Guy Bourdin (left image) Rankin (right image). (19/03/2009). Rankins seven photographs that changed fashion .Available: Last accessed 26/10/14.
Rankins 1970 version of the untitled Vogue image by Guy Bourdin slightly ressembles the orignal, the pose and background image are very similar however i feel Rankins interpretation really highlights digital manipulation whereas Guy Bourdin created this image without it. The clothing and hair in Rankins version of the 1970 image makes his interpretion look modern and completely different to the orignal.
Herb Ritts
Herb Ritts 1952 was an American fashion photographer, majority of his work was black and white photography or portraits. In the 1980s herb Ritts became one of the top photographers and was also well known for his working being of workers in denim.
Anonymous. (unknown). Herb ritts. Available: Last accessed 1/12/14.
Rankin chose to recreate Herb Ritts 1984 image of Fred with tyres. Using model David Gandi for his recreation.
Anonymous Herb Ritts (left image ) Rankin (right image). (unknown).Rankin:seven photographs that changed fashion. Available: Last accessed 26/10/14.
Rankins recreation of the 1984 image of fred with tyres is genereally quite accurate according to clothing, facial expression, however the pose in the recreated image is slightly unaccurate to the orignal, the model in the original image is turnt slightly more towards the camera. Overall i think Rankins version of the 1984 image is a good ressemblence.
Towards the end of the documentary, rankin gives an overall opinion on his work in comparison to the originals the 1963 jean Shrimpton image by David Bailey was his favourite recreation. He then highlighted how the seven fashion photographer sin the documentary have made an impact on his own career and how incorprates elements from their work into his own work.
Overall after watching the documentary seven photographs that changed fashion i found it really interesting to see how Rankin could recreate their images and also how their photographs had made such an impact on the fashion industry.